The versatile IP Trade turrets meet the needs of the most demanding professional traders.
The turret has a 15 inch touch-screen which can be mounted through a wide range of angles.
At the backside, up to 2 handsets (Push-to-Talk or Push-to-Mute), a high fidelity gooseneck microphone and up to 2 speakers (with call separation) can be connected. Wired or wireless headsets are also an option.
An internal high-speed switching module offers resilient Ethernet connectivity between the turret and the corporate network, also allowing the trader PC to be hooked on.
GUI is highly configurable through the use of selectable ‘applets’ which can be positioned to suit users and the needs of the business. Profiles for individuals and teams are supported so that traders can logon at any turret and have access to their own setup along with the team configuration.
The touch-screen is particularly strong in team environments since activity by colleagues can be easily seen and action taken, including picking up calls on hold and even barging into calls, subject to authority level controls.
Whether you’re interested in having in depth information or consider building or upgrading your trading infrastructure, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
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